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Our selection of guitar instructors in San Diego

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Tutors with an average rating of 5.0 stars and more than 1 reviews.

28 $/h

Great prices: 95% of coaches offer their first class for free and the average lesson cost is $28/hr

0 h

Fast as lightning! Our guitar teachers usually respond in under 0 hours

Learning Guitar in San Diego has never
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🎸How can you take guitar lessons in San Diego? | 🎸How can you find a guitar instructor in San Diego? | 📲Whereabouts in San Diego can you find a private guitar teacher?}

Are you looking to start to learn the guitar?


On Superprof, there are 10 guitar instructors available to give guitar courses in San Diego.


Our messaging service allows you to get in contact with the guitar teachers registered on our platform.


Once your course request has been accepted, you can start your first lesson with your guitar instructor.


Click here to see the ads of guitar instructor in your area.


🎵 How many instructors are currently offering guitar lessons near you?

In San Diego and the surrounding areas, there are 10 guitar instructors available to teach private courses


To find a private guitar teacher, browse their cv to find out more information about their course offering. Our guitar instructors cover all types of guitar from electric, acoustic, bass.


Choose your private course in San Diego from our range of more than 10 tutor profiles available.

💻 Can you take private guitar classes online?

Did you know you can even take music lessons online?


On Superprof, many of our Guitar instructors also offer online classes and courses. About 80% of teachers across our platform offer guitar lessons via Zoom.


To find available online classes, just select the webcam filter in the search engine to see the available tutors offering online courses in your desired subject.


Online courses via Zoom offer you more advantages in terms of flexibility and are often less expensive as the tutor does not need to travel.


Find an online Guitar tutor


💸 How much do guitar instructors charge for private guitar classes in San Diego?

On average guitar instructors charge $28 for private guitar courses in San Diego.


The cost for guitar lessons will differ depending on:

  • the experience of your guitar tutor
  • the type of guitar you want to learn (acoustic, electric, bass...)
  • the location of your guitar classes (via Zoom or the tutor's home)
  • the frequency of your lessons and the duration of each lesson
  • the goal of your guitar classes

97% of our private teachers offer the 1st hour of the lesson free.


Check out the rates of our guitar instructors in your area.

🎸What equipment do you need before taking guitar lessons with a guitar tutor?

The first thing is obviously to buy a guitar. Some of the most famous guitar brands are Gibson, PRS, Yamaha and Schecter.


The cost of a new guitar can sometimes put off learners.

If this is the case, you may want to rent a guitar to use until you feel ready to purchase your own guitar.


Depending on the type of guitar you want to play, you may also purchase:

  • an amp
  • an audio cable
  • a guitar strap
  • guitar picks
  • an effects pedal

Certain guitar accessories are not needed in order for you to play the guitar. Don't hesitate to ask your guitar tutor for help on what accessories you should buy in order to play the music you want to.


Find your teacher from our range of more than 10 guitar tutors.


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Check out our talented Guitar tutors!

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History of the Guitar

The guitar we all know and love started taking form 4,000 years ago. The earliest stringed instruments were likely bowl harps and tanburs. Researchers think they looked something like the Chilean Bandola with a bowl-shaped body and a couple of cords tied to the end of the instrument’s neck. 

Museums around the world have instruments shaped like guitars from places like ancient Samaria and Babylon. There are even wall paintings in Egypt from 1420 BCE depicting people playing instruments that look very much like a guitar. The oldest guitar known to historians was found buried with an ancient Egyptian singer and believed by scientists that it was over 3,500 years old. 

To really know a guitar is to understand its history and how it has changed over the years. Thinking of modern innovations, you’re probably imagining the transition from acoustic to electric guitars. Starting as early as the 1920s, the electric guitar was made when Hawaiian and Jazz guitarists, who were trying to increase the volume for concerts, added small microphones inside their instruments. It often caused a lot of high-pitched feedback and did not give off clear audio, so it didn’t really catch on until proper amplification methods were developed in the 1930s and 1940s. 

All the classic names associated with famous guitars come from this era. Names like Les Paul, Leo Fender, and Orville Gibson. These are the godfathers of the modern electric guitar. There is so much music that would not exist if it weren’t for their innovations.

Guitar in Different Musical Genres 

When you think of rock’n’roll, you think of the guitarist standing center stage. They always bring their energy to the audience and the crowd often cheers, dances and moves with the beat. Sometimes there is more than one guitarist in the band. There are probably other instruments present too but what grabs your attention is the guitarist. 

This instrument lends so much variety when it is played that it is no wonder that it is used in just about every genre you can think of.  Some of the legendary Jazz guitarists like Joe Pass or Django Reinhardt played like they made a deal with the devil. You also can not forget about the rock’n’roll hall of fame greats like Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin and Eric Clapton. 

There are blues gods such as Stevie Ray Vaughan or B.B. King. All these artists started the same way. By picking up the guitar and trying it out. They saw other great players that they wanted to learn from and emulate. They had their goals in mind and through diligent practice, they joined the greats. Some even joined the rock’n’roll Hall of Fame.

Venues in San Diego

Seeing a live show can make you want to learn to play too. Watching others play helps you pick up new songs and allows your style to evolve. With so many great music venues and halls in San Diego, it is difficult to nail down just one or two good spots to hear a live concert. There a just so many great options. 

You could go to the Belly-Up Tavern in Solana Beach to see any number of big-name and local artists jamming live. You could visit Beaumonts in San Diego’s Birdrock neighborhood for their Friday night cover bands. Gallagher’s Irish Pub in Ocean Beach often has a band playing on stage which livens up an already exciting spot. 

There are even philanthropies like SofarSounds.com which is a locally run organization that brings artists in all the stages of fame. SofarSounds organize a different show with different musical groups of artists at a different venue a few times each month. Sometimes the stage is at an empty warehouse, other times it is in your neighbor’s backyard. 

From the bass guitar to the ukulele, listening to the strings of this instrument is mesmerizing. No matter who is playing or what genre you are listing to, live shows are a great way to spend a summer evening or picnic with a group of friends. 

Best Guitar Players from San Diego

San Diego has an incredible live music scene. If you live here or even have just visited, you’re sure to stop at a bar or restaurant with some live music. This is some super talented guitar players like Laura Chavez who has played the Blues with Candye Kane and Nikki Hill. 

There is also Will Castro who has played with the local Punk band Western Settings for years. His riffs are strong and hearty, and the songs instantly hook you in. 

There are many skilled guitarists in and from San Diego. Musicians who can be seen around town, play at venues throughout San Diego, and who you can watch and get inspired to learn the instrument. From acoustic and electric to other forms like the bass and the ukulele, all these instruments came from the basis of the guitar. With different sounds from deep to soft, the guitar is always at the center stage regardless of the venue or location. 

Finding Guitar Tutors

If you have dreams of playing the guitar and playing at venues to a sold-out show, then the first thing to do is pick one up. It could happen if only you started practicing. Maybe it would be helpful to find a friend that plays, and they can teach you. 

But, if you can’t find a friend that plays the guitar you can also find a tutor on an online community like Superprof. The reliable built-in search engine on Superprof’s website can help you find a tutor near you in seconds. From thousands of tutors from around the world, but also just a few minutes from you. 

A tutor will help you understand the ins and outs of the guitar strings and guide you to that stage you were just dreaming about. It’s easy to join Superprof and select the right person for the job with zero commitments always. The concerts are around the corner, but you just need to take that first step. Let this be your Wonderwall.

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